God's Chisel

I was watching some video’s on Tangle.com called God’s Chisel and it really touched my heart it was really well put together to show that God chisel’s away all the bad stuff in our lives to bring out the good stuff.

A friend of mine once told me that we are like Gold put through the furnace and every time this happens all the junk and rubbish rises to the top and God scoops it off till we come out the other side pure and He can see His reflection.

God’s love is always around us He wants us to see the good He is doing but at times we look at the bad things in our lives.

Watch this video it’s amazing and I think a lot of people will really connect with this.

Awesome Scripture

This scripture really spoke to me and so I wanted to share to with you all

“1 Corinthians 58: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

When we serve God in Church and in our daily lives God see’s it. What we do for God is not going unoticed but God see’s it and we need to know God does not see this as in vain but know that God smiles upon us and He smiles and says to His angels that’s my Son or that’s my Daughter. Always know that God is always proud of us for the things we do for Him he loves us always.