Norway Here I Come!

There are many places that i would like to visit one day and that one place i really want to visit right away is Norway..

Had a look at the costs involved in going over to Norway and it’s going to be about $3,000 plus spending money so it is a huge amount to come up with..

However i am looking at going next September because a certain someone has there Birthday that month so i would really like to take them out for there Birthday of course they know who they are hehe…

It’s currently snowing over in Norway so it would be better to go now hehe but can’t 🙁 don’t have roughly $5,000 to go because of spending and accommodation so yea…

These are just a couple of things i really wanna do now it might take a while to happen but dang it im gonna…

Today is a good day lets see how the rest goes…

Oooh and a BIG SHOUT OUT!! hehe to Tove you are Awesome!