Dodgy Bikers

There are some dodgy bikers out there they are not all bad people but some just act like complete idiots yet they “DEMAND RESPECT” on the road yet they DO NOT respect the Road Rules dodging between Cars, Trucks, Buses etc the lot and they want respect!

I have 2 camera’s in the van that record everything while I am on the road and this is one video that was captured.

Here is a video of a Biker who showed little to NO respect for other people on the road.

  1. Not using his blinkers at all!
  2. Swerving in and out of traffic
  3. driving down the middle of traffic

[QUICKTIME 505 415]

So bikers want respect on the road however they don’t respect others on the road in the first place and wonder why they get hit by cars or involved in some nasty crashes to screamed at. They want respect then show the same respect for people on the road!