God's Chisel

I was watching some video’s on Tangle.com called God’s Chisel and it really touched my heart it was really well put together to show that God chisel’s away all the bad stuff in our lives to bring out the good stuff.

A friend of mine once told me that we are like Gold put through the furnace and every time this happens all the junk and rubbish rises to the top and God scoops it off till we come out the other side pure and He can see His reflection.

God’s love is always around us He wants us to see the good He is doing but at times we look at the bad things in our lives.

Watch this video it’s amazing and I think a lot of people will really connect with this.

iPhone Case Selected

In a recent post name iPhone Cases Need Help I had a hard time trying to decide on the Case that I wanted to get for my iPhone 3GS well that decision was made which took me 15 minutes in the store to choose it was hard but I feel I got the case I wanted and it looks great.

Funnily enough when one of the wonderful helpers (Store Staff) asked me if I needed any help I explained to him what I was looking for what cases I had really looked into and he said to me your the first person who has really done there research most people come in and get a case without researching it and go with whatever fits.

For me I wanted a case that would protect the phone 90% in other words the Back, Side, Volume and Power/Lock Buttons and a Lip around the Front and the iSkin Solo FX Red fitted perfectly.

I haven’t taken a picture of how it looks on my iPhone I will soon but here is a picture from iSkin.com

Red iSkin Solo FX

I have the Black iPhone 3GS and the circles really stand out it looks great and I am very happy with the purchase.

WPtouch is out

My Blog runs WPtouch so when you visit my Blog on your iPhone or more Mobile Devices instead getting the entire website you get a “Scaled Down Version” of my Blog which still allows you to view the Blog but without all the other Graphics and so forth.

However in this Update there are some awesome changes that have really made it even better.

Here are some Screen Shots of the Plugin in action

Home Screen: You will notice this when you first visit my Blog. Some options like Tour Dates and Twitter additional Plugins need downloading like WordTwit and GigPress which need to be installed to show your Twitter updates on your Blog also if you are a Band and want to let everyone know your Tour Dates GigPress is an awesome add-on

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Air Mouse for iPhone

Recently well at best a week ago I come across an awesome App for the iPhone the Air Mouse.

Air Mouse is not like any other iPhone App that lets you control the PC from the Lounge (If you have a Home Theater PC setup) so no having to get up all the time to get things going.

I use it on my Home PC and Work Mac’s and it has been working flawlessly from the get go little to no lag at all as it uses Wireless but has had maybe 2 little hiccups but that is to be expected.

The app can be bought on iTunes for $2.49 Australian or something like $1.99 American or something like that I don’t know how much American but I feel ripped off lol

Also you will need to download the Air Mouse Server software for either Windows or MAC

Anyway here are some Snapshots of the App.

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2 Awesome Camera Apps

I have come across a couple of awesome little Camera App’s for the iPhone it’s been great fun using them still some tinkering to try out though.

1. TiltShift Generator which is something I have fallen in love with although I am still trying to sort out the perfect settings but it allows you to use an image (you need to be in a far distance to work) but what it does it allows you to make a point in the image look very small like miniature people in a huge crowd so to speak it looks awesome but some testing is still happening here is a couple of pics that I took personally I can’t tell the difference lol

Rooftop Capture 1

Rooftop Capture 1

Roof Capture 2

Roof Capture 2

Here are the Original Photos taken

Original Picture 1

Original Picture 1

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