Home Security is something that I have taken a liking to and this is a way for me to monitor the front door of my unit and inside remotely and also automatic updates on any movement is uploaded via FTP and also email so if any movement is seen by the security camera it’s uploaded automatically. Here is a snapshot from my iPhone.
Author Archives: James
Awesome Scripture
This scripture really spoke to me and so I wanted to share to with you all
“1 Corinthians 58: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
When we serve God in Church and in our daily lives God see’s it. What we do for God is not going unoticed but God see’s it and we need to know God does not see this as in vain but know that God smiles upon us and He smiles and says to His angels that’s my Son or that’s my Daughter. Always know that God is always proud of us for the things we do for Him he loves us always.
Awesome iPhone app
This is an awesome app to use if you find apps are loading slow or not loading correctly this app gives you the option to free up memory.
I have found this app to help when an app crahses on load which usualy is a clog in the memory this irons it out.
It’s $2.49 from the app store or cheaper just search for istat and take a look.
Help Make Poverty History
As you know we have read, watched and listened to how third world country’s are getting worse and worse as time goes by with thousands dying so quickly because they don’t have food to eat or water to drink.
We as a people need to stand up and fight, fight to see these third world country’s come through this because we have the resources we just choose not to help out.
If we have money to chuck at things like new cars, technology and other things we have the money to help those in need.
Watch this video and visit some of the links to find out more.
We as Australia and other Nations can and should fight for these people as they need our help.