iPhone Cases – Need Help

Ok recently I come to the conclusion that I need to get myself a Case for my iPhone and there are a couple I like and the ratings seem to agree that they are good cases

Here are a couple that I like Ill post all the colours and there names so if you can help me that would be great.. A poll will be included in this post as well

Starting with the iSkin Solo FX cases which come in 5 different colours.. The colours I like are the Orange, Red and Green.. It’s a very nice case from the YouTube videos I have seen. Also the phone is protected all around also the Sleep/Power and Volume buttons are also protected offering great level of protection.






Next on the list of Cases is the Agent 18 which I also like well kind of because it comes with a Travel Stand also the only gripe is that the phone is not fully protected



Ok the next one on the list is the Incase Slider Case. This case also comes with a Travel Stand and protects the phone all way around including the Sleep/Power and Volume Buttons but the phone can be taken out of the case fairly easy

I very much like the iSkin but it need that little extra bit the Travel Stand which would really top off the deal

What are your thoughts about this?

[poll id=”6″]

WPtouch is out

My Blog runs WPtouch so when you visit my Blog on your iPhone or more Mobile Devices instead getting the entire website you get a “Scaled Down Version” of my Blog which still allows you to view the Blog but without all the other Graphics and so forth.

However in this Update there are some awesome changes that have really made it even better.

Here are some Screen Shots of the Plugin in action

Home Screen: You will notice this when you first visit my Blog. Some options like Tour Dates and Twitter additional Plugins need downloading like WordTwit and GigPress which need to be installed to show your Twitter updates on your Blog also if you are a Band and want to let everyone know your Tour Dates GigPress is an awesome add-on

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Air Mouse for iPhone

Recently well at best a week ago I come across an awesome App for the iPhone the Air Mouse.

Air Mouse is not like any other iPhone App that lets you control the PC from the Lounge (If you have a Home Theater PC setup) so no having to get up all the time to get things going.

I use it on my Home PC and Work Mac’s and it has been working flawlessly from the get go little to no lag at all as it uses Wireless but has had maybe 2 little hiccups but that is to be expected.

The app can be bought on iTunes for $2.49 Australian or something like $1.99 American or something like that I don’t know how much American but I feel ripped off lol

Also you will need to download the Air Mouse Server software for either Windows or MAC

Anyway here are some Snapshots of the App.

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