About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

Love vs Sex Story

I was going through the backups on my computer to delete some things as my mum’s laptop is taking up a heap of space lol…

Anyway I come across this letter true or not it really shows how God looks out for us how he commands his Angels to watch and protect us. Continue reading

Nose Operation

In recent times I had been having issues with breathing through my nose and so I went and seen my local GP who told me I have polyps which are growths inside the hassle passage or passages which can cause a lot of problems if left unchecked.

Upon getting a CT Scan done it revealed a lot more to everything that was going on so I was booked in for Surgery yesterday morning to have them removed and to what I thought was my right nostril was worse but come to be my left nostril was the worst. Continue reading

Getting Fit

Recently I had come across an App for the iPhone called RunKeeper it’s a great App that tracks your distance Walked, Run, Skied and heaps more and helps you to keep track on just how well you are going.

You can set a time limit for how far you want to get and it will update you every 5 minutes on your way to getting there which is great to help motivate you to move it so to speak lol. Continue reading