About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

Truck Lessons

Well now that I have registered my license to drive a truck im going for it woohoo lol something else to add onto the list of things.

Not too sure what might happen but one things for sure I can’t wait to be able to drive a truck so yea I can go for trucdk driving jobs to broaden the job outlook at this time jobs don’t come too easy..

Should be fun and interesting..

Indy 300 Woohoo

It is the start of Indy 300 woohoo…

Starting at around 8:30am this morning so it is still early so yea no action just yet but you get that lol.

Over the next few days I’ll attempt to upload some pictures so yea we shall see what happens it might work and might not lol

Oh and a BIG Shout Out to Tove woohoo hehe your awesome! Have a great night rest..

That’s that for now INDY!!!!!

R.I.P Jessica Jade Foo

This is a dedication to Jessica Jade Foo who passed away on the 16th October 2008…

Her dedication to others was awesome
Her love for her family and friends was great
Her kindness was always around
Her strength was the strength for others
Her smile was a smile that could make anyone smile

I am so greatful that I got to know Jessica her smile would always make me smile which was really good.

Listen below to a song a friend sent me.. It’s very beautiful and well i love it and so it goes out to all those who know Jessica Jade Foo

A Company I Will Start

Well as the title states I am looking at starting up a Company that Company’s name is I wont say till things are up and running lol…

I thought to myself I love working with computers so why not start up a company one that is Mobile and yes I know that there are already Mobile PC People but im not like them I am someone completely different to them.

This was something I have thought about doing for a long time since I am always working on computers and the such so yea.

Anyway that’s about it for the time being shall see what happens…