About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

Generator Down

Interesting title I have to admit it has nothing to do with my car haha lol so yea there ya go…

Basically today I come to find that the Alternator decided to finally pack it in so that meant no more Battery charging so yea it decided to pack it in today.

It’s gonna cost me $250 to get a “Refurbished” one like brand new installed so yea I can’t wait to have the car back tomorrow morning hopefully early as I am doing Red Frogs this year woohoo….

I own a 1985 Red Holden Gemini RB I love it and it has been in my family for almost 3 years now which is awesome…

That’s today’s post tomorrow is a new day a new beginning

Myspace for Blackberry

As of November 13 2008 the Myspace.com for Blackberry has now arrived and it looks sweet…

I am running it on my Blackberry Bold and it works very well and without glitches (ok maybe one) but over all I am happy with it.

Take a look now at the myspace.com/blackberry site and you can download it by going to blackberry.com/eng/devices/features/social/myspace and you can have it running on your Blackberry phone also.

Why don’t you upgrade as well go the Blackberry it’s more interesting then the iPhone (yes that’s right) lol..

It’s an awesome application that lets you

  1. Post Comments
  2. Send Messages
  3. Visit Friends Pages
  4. Upload Photo’s

There is so much more in this application you have to see it..


Thought that I would give something new a try.

Twitxr.com provides the ability to Upload your photo’s to Twitxr or Facebook, Flickr and one other i cannot think of the name lol.

It’s free and it’s been good fun testing it out so far.