About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

BlackBerry In For Repairs

Today I finally took in my original BlackBerry Bold for it to be replaced due to some issues with the Track Ball getting stuck.

So I am hoping that in a week it will be back and ready to go as I will be selling it as I recently moved over to Three due to the major issues with Vodafone with them trying to blame my mobile phone with sending multiple SMS’s on it’s own and trying to make me pay for it so I make the decision of moving away from Vodafone after 8 years and so now with Three permanently well for the next 2 years anyway lol.

I am very happy with my BlackBerry Bold without a doubt mainly due to it’s Email Capability, Browsing the Internet and many other sweet things.

Mainly why I’m selling it is because I desperatly need my car back on the road so I don’t have to rely on the Public Transport System that is badly behind in everything to do with getting people to were they have to be on time due to Buses running late all the time too them not turning up at all.

Check out the BlackBerry Bold here

Tim Hall Meeting 1 Complete

The Tim Hall meeting this morning went extremely well and well what can I say God was there Jesus was there and Holy Spirit was there as well.

People got healed freed from sickness’s etc which was great to see

Night is going to be awesome woohoo

Tim Hall @ SURFCiTY Christian Church

An awesome speaker Tim Hall is coming to SURFCiTY Christian Church this Sunday and is going to be with us for the entire week.

Jacuque Hall his lovely wife who is also a preacher will be visiting the SURFCiTY Women all the lovely ladies of the Gold Coast, Brisbane or visiting Family and Friends are all welcome so why not bring them along for great fellowship and an awesome message. (date and time below)

*Saved in 1974 at the age of 26, an alcoholic high school teacher and bohemian artist had his life turned upside down by Jesus Christ. Tim Hall was born again and filled with the Holy Ghost at the Klemzig Assembly of God church under the ministry of Pastor Andrew Evans and that day he was called to the ministry. He planted a church in 1975 and went on to take various pastoral roles and ended up as youth pastor at Klemzig Assembly of God (now Paradise Community Church) seeing the youth ministry explode and become the largest group in Australia, and it remains so today. He went on to pioneer a church in Bendigo, which has grown to be one of the largest churches in the state of Victoria. He then moved to Dandenong, Victoria and saw remarkable success as the church grew to become one of the largest and most influential churches in Australia. From there he pastored various other churches in Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia seeing many saved and grounded in strong local churches.

Tim’s focus on the miraculous with signs and wonders has had a dramatic impact on the body of Christ in Australia and internationally. His forthright and anointed preaching coupled with a great manifestation of power has seen many saved, healed, drastically changed, baptized in the Holy Spirit and filled with a fresh touch of revival power.

In recent years Tim and Jacque Hall also an anointed preacher have been flowing in revival, seeing a greater increase of joy, blessing, healing, salvation and Holy Ghost power.*

Visit the Tim Hall Ministry website by going to www.timhallusa.com

Date and Times

Sunday 8th Feb – 9:30am & 6pm
Monday 9th Feb – 7pm
Tuesday 10th Feb – 7pm
Wednesday 11th Feb – 7pm
Thursday 12th Feb – 7pm
Friday 13th Feb – 7pm
Saturday 14th Feb – 7pm
Sunday 15th Feb – 9:30am & 6pm

SURFCiTY Women Meeting

Saturday 14th Feb – 6pm

Also take a look at the SURFCiTY Church Website by going to www.surfcity.org.au and see what else is on offer.

SURFCiTY Church Google Style

I am very happy with my Church SURFCiTY Christian Church and so I roamed about Google Maps and found a updated Photo of the building that we are in.

Take a look it’s awesome and the Q1 is all up there which is also pretty cool.

SURFCiTY Christian Church is located on the corner of Surfers Paradise Boulevard and Clifford St, Surfers Paradise

View Larger Map

WordPress.tv is Live

So your probably wondering what is WordPress TV well WordPress TV is your visual resource for all things WordPress.

Logon to the WordPress.tv site and take a look

It’s a website designed for the Users of the WordPress Blogging software to look at Visual aids on how to do things with WordPress so it’s like a Video Help Setup which is pretty good you get the Visual effect making it.

If you use WordPress take a look at the vast video’s available.

You can read more about the WordPress.tv site on WordPress.org