About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

College Camp Notes – Day 1

Session 2 – AM

1. The fathers business

Luke 2:41-49

God will open doors for us to work better

God wants us to be called into a higher calling

Col 1:1-3

2. The business compels me as a young person

We need to be the fathers business

God can use young people to be among His business

3. The Business To linger in Jerusalem

Where ever I linger things will go in ways we might not want them too

Exodus 33:11

Our destiny is not wrapped up in serving in the church but in the presence of God

4. The business compels will compel me to choose my company

We need to surround ourselves with the right people not the wrong

Ecclesiastes 7:5

If we are serious about God’s business we need to surround ourselves with better people

5. The business compels me to utilise my time

We need to stop wasting our time with meaningless things we need to use our time to be about God’s business

If we want to be about our fathers business we need to stop wasting time on things we don’t need to

1 Corinthians 10:35 – Do all for the Glory of God

We need to do it for God’s business

Session 2 –AM/PM


1 Samuel 30:17

Secret Lessons Of Leadership

1. We need to understand even as leaders we can have hard times
2. People will turn against us as a leader
3. Leadership is lonely

Just because people say they are with us they at times are not really with us but against us

The people around us can cause things to go wrong sometimes

In leadership at times we can feel like we are alone

Failure is the unspoken event but rise to the occasion

At times we need is for someone to speak into our lives

The most important thing is “You must strengthen yourself in the Lord”

What the devil has taken we have to take back what was lost

It is up to me to take back what was lost

TD Jakes: Just because you have testicles it doesn’t make you a man

If leaders don’t overcome tiredness we will never overcome the enemy

We need to be ready for God to call us back out to battle. Don’t let our tiredness stop us go forth and battle with the strength you have

We need to look forward and stop looking back at the things that are going to drag us backwards

If we stop half way through we will not be able to win

You cannot be a winner till you have won a battle

Greater is he that is in me then he who is in the world

As long as we can handle the hard times and people coming against us and don’t give up on the fight we will recover it all

We need to know that there is a victory as long as we don’t give up half way through we need to keep on going

College Camp Notes – Night 1

Session 1 – PM

We need to shape the world around us not let the world shake us.

Pray about my Destiny what is it that God has called me to do.

We ourselves need to believe that we have influence that God wants us to have influence.

Matthew 5:14 – You are the light of the world a city on the hill cannot be hidden.

Light is crucial to have to understand

John 8:12 – I am the light of the world. (You are the light of the world)

When we put ourselves around God what is on God gets rubbed onto us.

Proverbs 20:27 – The spirit of the man is the candle of God

Eph 2:1

We can be an influential person when God is in us.

We need God to enlight our lives to be a shining light

God Will light me up ?

1. God wants to light us up

It starts when God lights us up

2. God will set me up to show people the path to God

Nobody lights a light without knowing where to put it

God lights us up to put us in a position where we are meant to be

God wants to set me up after he has lighten me up

God has set me in a place where he wants me to be

We walk in the setup that God has made for us from day one

If God can set the sun in the right place then God knows how to set me up
If God can position the Sun and Moon in the right place God knows where to set me up right

No one can set anything up on rocky ground

You can’t setup anything on shifting sand

God has plans for good and not evil for me
God has planned my future

God has set me in place for a reason

3. God will keep me up

Nobody lights a lamp for it to go out

Nobody lights a lamp to put it under a basket for it to go out

When we light a fire we make it to burn brighter and not for it to go out

Some people can find it hard being a Christian and think going back to the old ways would be better for them

Romans 8

If God is for us then who can be against us

Even when we let go of God, God never lets go of us God has a hold of us always never letting go

God is there for us when he lights us up and doesn’t let us go

When my love fluctuates for God, God’s love for me never changes it’s always the same

I need to position myself in God for His love will be in me

We need to keep ourselves in the love of God

God is there to keep us up that the fire doesn’t go out

Christianity is about loving God.. Jesus presents us faultless

By the grace of God I am who I am

I am who I am because God says I am who I am meant to be

Daily Scripture

1 John 4:18 – There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out
fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been
made perfect in love.

There is no fear in God’s love at all because God’s love casts out all
fear from us. However if we in fear then we are in torment so we need
to allow God’s love to flow through us allowing all fear to be
released. We who fear have not been made perfect in love

Testing things

I like to add little things to the blog that give it something
different so if you don’t see anything it’s there I’m just working out
the kinks lol.

Still getting ready for camp so yea woohoo..

You will notice below Listening To: this is a new addon for when i post it shows the last song listened too 🙂

Tetris For BlackBerry

A Big fan of the game Tetris and got a Blackberry 9000, 8900 and 83xx then go to papped-themes.100webspace.net more so go to it in your BlackBerry’s browser for OTA (Over The Air) installation.

It’s free and I had a good game with it and it has worked seamlessly from the start.

It’s a fun game for when your bored and nothing much else to do lol so go download it now 🙂