About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

Jimmy Mutebi Is Coming To SURFCiTY Church

Jimmy Mutebi an amazing speaker that SURFCiTY has had in the past is coming to our Church this Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday which is going to be awesome.

Jimmy Mutebi is a Miracles, Signs and Wonders speaker that we have come to see many people being healed and released of those things that had been placed over there lives.

The first time i saw Jimmy Mutebi was years back now but seen him since and everytime something amazing has happened and it’s amazing to see this happen.

Take a look at Jimmy Mutebi Ministries website by clicking here take a look around and take in what has been happening within his ministry.

I can’t wait for Friday night it’s going to be amazing and awesome.

For information and times check out the SURFCiTY Church website which has many other information availble also.

If you are in the local Gold Coast area and want to see miracles happen come along it’s open to everyone 🙂

2 Awesome Songs woo!!

I heard a couple of songs while i was at Church last Sunday and i instantly fell in love with these 2 songs they are such awesome songs

  1. Hillsong – This Is Our God – With Everything
  2. Hillsong United Youth – In a Valley By the Sea (Next Gen EP) – you Deserve

These songs are absolutely sweet as i can’t stop listening to them they are that good..

If you love Christian music then either 1. buy the album or 2. just by the individual songs on iTunes pretty cheap too which is awesome.

Give them a listen they are awesome

So funny it cracks me up

Earlier this week I was at the Bible College Camp and some jokes were told and this isn’t really a joke but so funny we laughed so much.

What happened is that some kids were messing around and misbehaving really badly one day and so the head teacher walked over and said I am over your cra* and as he said it his false teeth fell out he then quickly grabbed them in mid air quickly and put them back in his mouth and continued to say what he needed to say it was the funniest thing ever. Some of the kids never let it down after that.

So try to imagine someone with false teeth yelling and there teeth falling out being grabbed then put back in and continue speaking.

It was so funny

Another one is “don’t let Tyson toss you off” strange but funny as it
was about the boxer Mike Tyson.

There were others but the false teeth one was so funny.

Fun times haha

Comments Wanted

This is a cover letter i did up for a Information Technology Job i would really like some feedback

Information Technology Position

To whom it concerns,

I am writing to you today about the obtaining work within your Information Technology Department.

My current background includes the following areas

  • Certificate II in Information Technology
    Hardware Fault Finding (Causing System Hangs etc)
    Hardware Installation (From Motherboards to Peripherals)
    Software Fault Finding
    Software Installation (Windows, Antivirus, Anti Spyware)
    Upgrading Current Computer Specifications
    Building of New Systems
    Removal Of Virus’s and Spyware
    Network Installation
    Windows Support (95, 98, XP, Vista)

I am currently looking for full time employment, I believe I would be of great benefit to your company if you hired me full time because I am a hard working individual who likes to get in and get tasks done as quickly as possible which would minimize the customers down time which would be of benefit to your business because a happy customer is more likely to tell their friends and family about how quickly they were taken care of which would help to make your business a leader in the local area.

I am currently in charge of 4 computers and others of which I keep them updated and making sure they are Virus Free, Spyware Free replacement of Hardware and Software as required.

I am open to adding additional knowledge to my current knowledge of computers and so I am also looking at completing Cert 3 and Cert 4 in Information Technology.

I am 26 years of age and currently hold my Open License.

Thanks for your consideration,
James Groom

College Camp Notes – Night 2

Session 3 – PM -Matt

1. Crossing Over
2. Don’t forget what God has done

Joshua 3:15

We need to stand firm even if things may not look like they are happening

When God puts us in a place we need to stand firm and not move

Joshua 4:5-6

Session 3 – PM –Ps Dustin

Ephesians 1

We were born to be confident people

1. Statement: “I Am Blessed In Christ”

I am blessed even when I am going through the hard times, rough times, and many other things

God has blessed me with every spiritual blessing

Every spiritual blessing’s are available to me

Every spiritual blessing has my name on it

2. I Am Chosen In Christ

Before God had created the foundations of the World he chose everyone one of us

God still chooses us even when he already knows what we are going to do before we are born

Before we choose God because God had already choose us

Because God had chosen me I can have the confidence

John 5:16

God has called us and he has things for us that are meant for us

3. I Am Holy In Christ

I am holy because I am in Christ

Holy means to be loved, Cherished, Separated from faults, Free from sin

No one likes to highlight there faults we try and hide them

When we are clean we have greater confidence

When we are right we have more confidence

Romans 5:17 – We receive the right of righteousness

Philippians 12:9

4. I Am A Son In Christ

I am a son of God and not a slave to sin

We need to start walking like we are a Son of God

I can obtain the Grace of God because I am a Son of God

In God we have redemption so we can walk freely