About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

CoolerMaster HAF 932 Mod

I picked up a CoolerMaster HAF 932 a while back and so I decided to do some modding to the case.

I started with the Front Grill that hid the 220mm fan that cools the 500GB HDD also drawing I cool air.

The original colour is Black and it was kind of boring for me even though it site under my desk I sometimes go to LAN Parties for games etc and so I changed the colour to Red.

The tools I used is a Ozito Dremel a very handy tool for doing things like this a grinding stone and a small round Sand paper to clean it right up.

I also picked up some Primer and Red Paint.

Once the Black original paint was removed and sanded back to the original metal finish I sprayed it with the primer leaving that for the day I went back to it and sprayed it with the red paint and I am very happy with the look. Continue reading

New Fishy Friend

Recently my almost 2 and a Half year old Oscar passed away he was very ill and while I tried my every effort to get him back up and going again it all failed 🙁 so sadly 2 days ago he passed away during the night.

This was a very sad day for me and he/she (who knows these days!) no longer with me is no longer suffering which is good because it wasn’t good.

What they had was called Dropsy which is a condition that can be fatal even with treatment which he was undergoing at the time it didn’t work and so he passed away.

I am happy that it’s over because it was very sad to see what was happening.

I have since picked up a Baby Red Oscar (same as before) and he/she is happily swimming around (while I am away because of it’s new environment) and this will happen for a day or two but should be fine soon after.

The fish tank was scrubbed clean water changed and left to run through the tank for a day to allow things to settle in.

There is the Oscar and 2 Albino Sucking Catfish which help to keep the Algae at bay which is good as it keeps the tank cleaner and healthier for the fish.

So to end this post i am much happier that I have a new Oscar but the one guy won’t be forgotten 🙂


Recently (Last Year) I visited a website called Indieogo they are a website that helps people with Ideas to get help from the WWC (Word World Community) to raise money for there cause, ideas and heaps more.

A campaign by the name of 1:FaceWatch is a group who designed a Watch that may be just an average watch however what is behind this idea is the “People” who suffer from Cancer, Aids, Breast Cancer helping with getting Water to the people to Helping the Environment and feeding the many people who go without food.

This in my eyes is one of the biggest things this world needs more of people who want to help those in need who need it most.

I got the one in Black (Cancer) as that was the only one really left but I don’t care about that what I want to see is more people supporting groups like these that want to see the world changed in a huge way.

Each of these watches are $40 each and that is not much at all it all goes towards helping each group.

Red: Aids
Black: Cancer
Grey: Hunger
Blue: Environment
Yellow: Water
Pink: Breast Cancer

Here is what it looks like in person


New Years Resolution

So everyone well ok maybe not everyone has New Years Resolutions and so I have been thinking lately about things and what I feel I need to work on in 2013… So here they come lol..

  1. Losing weight by riding my pushbike that I spent $500 on well got a deal kind of lol. Bike + Helmet + Water Bottle Holder for $500 all up which was great.

  2. Stop eating so much crap like junk good and the likes of crap like that.

  3. Try and grow my small PC Business as I am needing some more work due to the work I have now is a little on edge so to speak so yea.

With my Bike Riding I decided on getting myself some Water Hydration Backpacks that are basically like your Water Bottles but much larger and this is a great idea for when going on longer then usual bike rides.

I ended up getting two of the Water Hydration Backpacks and they were pretty good cheap and well yea I got the two so if someone else comes out riding with me they can use one while I use the other. Continue reading

Moved Over to VPS

Just recently I decided to go from being on a Shared Host (Webhost) to VPS (Virtual Private Server) which now gives me greater and better control over how things are run and I have to say I am extremely impressed.

Loads times on the Blog are a little heavy at the moment which is that I am working on so things load a lot faster.

On this VPS I have 60GB Storage 3500GB (3.5TB) of Data Transfer and it runs on a server that has 24 CPU’s (4 Physical CPU’s/6 Cores) which is WOW!

Anyway that is a just a little update… Mind you it does take some time to move things over especially setting up the MySQL Databases what a freaking headache that can be but it’s done that’s the main thing.