About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

iPhone To Hit 3 Mobile July 17th

Well all the hype about the new phone and well it’s out and about running a muck lol.. Three Mobile or Hutchinson will finally get the the iPhone 3GS and will be hiting the 3 Stores and online on July 17th

Three in the past has not had the iPhone 3G so the question comes to mind why now why not the normal 3G iPhone but they will take on the iPhone 3GS there isn’t much difference except

  1. Loads games/browser/apps quicker
  2. Allows to capture Video and Edit it
  3. 3x faster then the iPhone 3G
  4. It has a Compass and with Maps it pans left and right as you move so in escence it’s like a GPS without the Voice Prompts
  5. Comes in 16GB and 32GB (Maybe 8GB but unsure)

That’s pretty much about it really some features other phones have had for a long time running.

So the question is this will “You” be getting the new iPhone or not?

To find out more click here

[poll id=”5″]

Bluetooth 3.0 Coming To A Device Near You

From CrackBerry.com

Seems to me like a sweet upgrapde to any phone coming out soon well we will see

Here is some cool news on something that gets talked about and used a lot but never in terms of upgrades or new availability as most of our devices come with it already built in and no real way to upgrade it.
Bluetooth, which has been making news as of late with the information coming forward that the latest standard, version 3.0, is soon to be available. Now I use Bluetooth pretty much on a daily basis be it to talk or listen to music via a headset or to connect to my PC in order to sync and transfer files back and forth, but the expectations with this new revision really look promising, especially when it comes to data transmission speeds. PC World has listed some of the information for us as follows:

* Data Speed Transmissions up to 490Mbits/s
* Improved Power Consumption, Better Battery Life
* Enhanced Connectivity To Avoid Dropping Of Connections

At this time though, no information is available about what devices will be Bluetooth 3.0 ready, but the expected announcement is April 21st when the Bluetooth Special Interest Group will be able to provide a list of manufacturers who have or will have 3.0 devices ready to roll. Hopefully, RIM will be on that list.

Another Reason Blackberry Is Better

Ok so this is not meant to bash iPhone users or lovers etc but this is to prove that Blackberry has better security over the iPhone making it better for anyone who wants to be safe.

Read this report on a few of the phones in this report aptly the iPhone that got extremely bad in Security were as the Blackberry got 4 out of 4 for Security and how secure it is over the iPhone and other phones.

Now like i said this is not bashing iPhone users however just shows even though Apple deny users ability to install “Unapproved” applications so unless it has been approved you cannot install it or run it with the Blackberry there is no problem.

Even though the Blackberry is open source for many to make applications for the Blackberry series of phones there is some background to this.

Even when the phone is open if in anyway shape or form the OS is hacked or modified the phone will not boot regardless this means any attempt to as the iPhone community does “Jail Break” you wont be able to boot the phone.

The report can be found here

Ok so it comes down to this.. the iPhone is better at being a Media Device over the Blackberry which is more a Phone with Security to beat iPhone and there “NO” you cannot run Unapproved Apps on your phone.

I have thought it through many a times and this just shows for me id rather stick with my Blackberry Bold over any iPhone out there.