About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

Testing… New WordPress App


Ok so WordPress updated there iPhone App and so I thought I might test it out but seems it likes to crash 🙁

Oh well sent report off then again iOS 7.0.2 is only new so some bugs are to be expected.

I wonder if it adds GPS Location to the post

Life Lesson (For Me)


I have had my Heart trampled on and stabbed and treated like crap and I have just had a guy full of it all.

The entire experience has hurt me for life and every time I go to put my heart on the life I either get hurt or as half the time I get Ignored and treated like I don’t exist.

I have had enough of getting hurt and having my heart stomped on and so I refuse to put my heart out there on the line again because I know I will only get hurt again and again and again.

So the life lesson is never put my heart on the line again so I can’t get hurt!

No Post In Ages

Wow it has been a long time since I posted a new Blog Entry well since February this which is way too long…

I have been so busy with my job that I have neglected my Blog which is a shame but it happens when you work like crazy and have no time to blog at times.

Anyway I recently started to get into Photography a lot more of late and so have spent hours of a night time taking heaps of pictures of all sorts of things and I am rough yes but we all were when we started out!

Take a look at my Photo Blog and let me know what you think 🙂
