About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

Time Laps – Take 2

Monday evening i attempted to record some cool idea that a friend of mine told me to try with the HD Camera from Church and well the first attempt was a failure but this time my GOODNESS it was like sweeet I got the timing right lol

Here is a Video that is 29 seconds long however took almost an hour to record lol insanity but sweeeeeet as

[QUICKTIME https://jamesgroom.me/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Time-Laps-Take-2.m4v 320 257]

This is the same video but only 6 seconds long as the Duration is only set to .3 of a second so in other words it plays faster goes shorter

[QUICKTIME https://jamesgroom.me/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Time-Laps-Take-3.m4v 320 257]

Waiting a while for this to record took ages however after capturing it man I was really happy 🙂

Happy Birthday!!

HaHa lol… It’s my Birthday oh the HUMANITY OF IT ALL!!

As of Midnight September 13th I am 27 Years OLD!! how scary is that lol..

Anywho Happy Birthday to ME! lol

iStat v1.1

A newer version of iStat for the iPhone has come out however one option I really liked a lot was the “Free Memory” option however it was removed in this version due to Apple wanting it removed which it just stupid however some awesome editions were added to the mix

1. Battery Status
2. Process Monitor (Shows processes running)
3. Ability to disable “Screen Lock”
4. Improved support for Linux monitoring

Thes are a couple of a few addons and a fix or so

It’s a shame to see the Free Memory option gone thanks to a Apple pfft

All up the new editions are awesome and great ways to monitor what is happening

Here is a snapshot of the iPhone iStat setup

Here is a snapshot of the Server setup

iStat Server

To find out more about iStat go to bjango.com/apps/istat/

Gallery Updated

Ok so recently I decided well more so today this very morning lol that I was going to make the Gallery more better etc etc

Anyway if you look at the top of the page you will see “Gallery” click on that and you will see two Albums more to come when more adventures come about lol

Enjoy that be it for now lol till later…

Gallery here