About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

Opera Browser for iPhone

I just had to post this.

Apple have actually granted Opera to be allows in the Apple Store.

It has only taken Apple how long to allow any other browser to be used any good ones that is on the iPhone other then Safari nice move Apple.

Downloading it now can’t wait to try it out.

Bible College Exam – Done

Ok so today we had the First ever Exam for Faith Principles and Discipleship.

I went ok I ran into a few area’s where I had a few issues but that’s something that can happen at times especially when you don’t do your reading of the Bible etc so yea.

Bible College all in all is going really well really loving the experience getting into the Word at a much higher level really getting in deep 🙂

SURFCiTY International Training College is where I go to Bible College and going at it Full Time this year so it’s going to be a great year maybe a few little aarrgghh’s but yea ill end the year with flying colours AMEN!

If you have ever thought about Bible College or God has spoken to you about doing Bible College it’s a great time to start.

SURFCiTY College has 3 locations at this time and in the future there could be more 🙂

Surfers Paradise Campus (Central)
Brisbane Campus
Darwin Campus

Bible College is a life changing experience for GOOD!!

That’s about it for now… Posting more soon