About James

Born and Raised in QLD Australia... Living on the Gold Coast in Surfers Paradise an amazing place to live and an amazing God blessed country as well

Telstra: Visual Voicemail

For those of you who know about Visual Voicemail on Vodafone and just how long the Telstra customers have been asking and wanting Visual Voicemail… Well now it is available on Telstra it has been available for the past day or so and is available for $5 per month on top of you current bill.

So if you are on the $49 cap it will cost $54 per month and so on for the $79, $99 and $129 caps.

It’s a great way to save time having to call up Message Bank 101 it’s all there downloaded to your iPhone ready to listen without the need to listen to every message just to get the one you need to hear and call back quickly.

The extra $5 per month is a bit over the top especially if you pay for the $79, $99 and $129 caps the others like the $49 and $29 I would expect this.

All in all I have it now just rang up Telstra on 125 111 and asked about it and as soon as I got off the phone Visual Voicemail was already raring to go didn’t have to wait the 24 hours or 30 mins for it to become active it was ready right away..

Funnily enough when I rang up about it to inquire about it the girl I had spoken to said I was the first person to actually call up about it but I think she meant to say I was the first person she had spoken to about it since she got all the paperwork about it yesterday.

If you are game enough and want to manage your voicemail without having to call 101 then go for it you will enjoy the freedom of not having to listen to every new message you can select the one you want and listen to that first and then the rest.

Call up Telstra on 125 111 and say Customer Service (after confirming your number) to be directed to the Customer Support Team and ask them about having it turned on.

Comments are welcome.. What are your thoughts about Visual Voicemail and the cost per month should it be free or should everyone have to pay or just the lower paying caps.

Here is a picture of the Visual Voicemail

Feeding The Oscar

I decided on getting some yummy treats for my Oscar (feeder fish) and so I got him some Gold Fish small ones for him to enjoy chomping on and the first time it took like almost 10 minutes for him to eat the first one the first time around.

My girlfriend got some more for him to chomp onto and gave him one it took almost 10 minutes of recording just for get him in action to take only a split second for him to eat it.

Here is a video you’ll see what I mean he plays with it for a while and then SNAP! gone in a split second lol.


He is one quick Oscar when hungry he looks at me and swims frantically at me like to say FEED ME!

He has grown heaps since I got him last year and now ready for a bigger home just need to raise the money now.

Name My Oscar

Meet my fish it’s an Oscar fish.. And right now I need some names so go ahead leave a comment and let me know.

Picture below of the big fella

I’ve had this one for 7 months now since September last year and man he has been growing fast 7 months might not be long but grown up fast lol.

Leave a comment below and let me know of any names and ill post the name I choose.

And meet Flair the newest edition to the family only a little baby but oh so cute (present for girlfriend she wanted one 🙂 )

Jimmy Mutebi @ SURFCiTY Church

Guess what.. Jimmy Mutebi is coming this March to SURFCiTY Christian Church..

Enjoy a great message and hear of his testimony all this and more.

Dates and Times

Sunday March 13 at 9:30AM and 6:00PM
Monday March 14 at 7:00PM
Tuesday March 15 at 7:00PM
Wednesday March 16 at 7:00PM

You can find the church by checking it out on Google Maps here or check map below

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